Day 6

I haven't posted in a few days because I haven't been up to much.
Mostly hanging out in my room and watching movies! 
Occasionally going out and about, but mostly just chilling and getting used to classes.  
Classes did start this week, and they have been fairly interesting.  
Chinese class will be by far the most difficult! It is graded by Leslie though, and she is in the class, so that is not too worrisome! 

Here are some pictures from day 6!!

 Some dogs just lounging around on the steps to the church on campus.

Stray dogs are ubiquitous over here! 
They are all friendly (not that you ever touch any of them) but it is really different 
than back home 

This was in the MRT station.  
There is a location like this at each stop.  
It is supposed to be very well lit (the rest of the station is incredibly well lit as well) 
and there are several cameras that are focused in on this area.

It is kinda nice that they thought of something like this. 

First view of the flower and jade market! 

These were sold like this... I think they were just decorative flowers, but I am not sure... 

Lots and lots of flowers for sale! 

Let's just spice up this plain old bush by putting ribbons on it! 

Blurry Bonsai tree picture... 


Huge flowers! About 6 inches across.. 

Baby sunflowers! 

Not so blurry bonsai tree picture! 

Idk why it was so hard to not get a blurry bonsai tree picture..... 

Flash helped with this one, but the colours are faded because of it.. 

These were actually not wilting... 

Let's go and make these boring cacti awesome! 
Add faces of course! 

This dog is rocking the whole slippered look! 

(except for maybe the tiny un-photographed ones next to it)

 GIANT (not so very blurry) bonsai tree...
As it is giant, I am not sure it is a bonsai tree...
With Megan for scale...

Bamboo everywhere! 

That is a wire wrapping around the "stem" of the plant. 
think it is bamboo... 

A neat place where vegetarianism wasn't very welcome.... 

As you can see here... 

And here... 

And especially here... 
It was a really neat idea though!
The idea that you are cooking your own food, is really popular here... 
Maybe because no one actually ever cooks at home... 
This style I have seen a few times, but Hot Pots are far more popular.  

Humane society in the flower store! :D 

I wanted this little guy so bad!
He was only a month ollllld! 

Awesome bird! 
You can barely see it if you know where to look.
I will tell you that there is a huge worm (like a normal earthworm, just really long... Like a long earthworm back home...)
and this bird pulled with all of his might and got that thing out of the ground. 
and the worm (in this picture) is laying on the ground 
because the bird got freaked out
as there was a Taiwanese guy, yelling at the bird. 
Because he thought the bird was cool. 
The bird decided that he was too cool to be freaked out for long,
and ate his precious worm. 
Oh, did I mention that this bird is about a foot tall?
And that this is right on campus?
Ya.  Awesome bird! 

I didn't get any pictures of the Jade Market, because my camera was dying.  But it was amazing.
We plan on going back, as the vast majority of the Jade is Taiwanese Jade, and it is really beautiful.