Day 4

So today Sept. 14, 2012, we were going to go to the Zoo.  BUT Super Typhoon Sanba decided that wasn't going to happen.  While the typhoon is miles away, and we won't feel any of the winds, we will still be affected. Mostly by torrential downpours of warm amazing rain, and intense lightening and thunder storms...
Other than the fact that if you go outside you are soaked (and pretty wet even if you have an umbrella) it's a nice break from the muggy humid heat!

This little guy was in a cage outside a coffee shop on the side of the street, I am pretty sure he was their little pet! 

The signs says, "don't get too close, or he'll bite, and pull you in!"

He was staring right at us

We went to one of the most famous restaurants in all of Taiwan, most well known for it's dumplings!
So that is what I got, and they were quite delicious!
The dipper was full of 1:3 soy sauce and special vinegar, and there was fresh ginger in the mix
It was quite amazing! 

Megan and I discovered this after we got on the wrong bus, which took us on a freeway.  Luckily we were able to get where we wanted to go (by not getting off the bus, and as soon as we knew where we were, getting off)
This place seemed fairly legit, but seeing as we couldn't speak Chinese, we had no translator, and everyone was staring we decided to come back at a later date... 

But we did walk up to the area first, and there was a bridge surrounded by a pond.  All of the little fish in the pond were chilling by the top, so I took a picture!

Walking up to the main area

Me next to a neat statue

Crazy blue guy! 

As we went to the grocery store, we took the bus back 
(that and it is like a 10-15 min bus ride, and it was dark)
This is why I NEVER want to drive in Taiwan.  There are lanes, but no one seems to notice them.  There are 3 lanes marked on the road in front of us, plus the bike/scooter lane.  Sometimes the bus joins the scooter lane because it is faster.  

Everyone is weaving in and out, trying to get where they are going faster than everyone else.  All the while there are about 5 billion scooters weaving in and out of traffic. Crossing the street is terrifying enough.  If you don't go as soon as it turns, people start driving because they have waited long enough (in their opinion)

We were in the bus, and someone was pulling into a parallel parking spot, but they were stopped for the moment (no obvious reason) the bus we were on was stopped behind them.  So the bus basically just gave it a very light push and continued on it's way (after the car got out of the way)

I have not seen an accident, and I have seen some amazing maneuvers.  But I know, deep down, that if any of us tried to drive around town, that there would be a crash within 5 minutes, and WE would be obeying all traffic laws.