Day 2

We are on a bridge right off of campus!
Campus is off the the left and the mural is the post office!
I was mostly showing the crazy traffic that was really light at the moment. 

Just a picture of the front entrance to campus, the gates lock at midnight.. 
Which hasn't been an issue as I have only been able to stay up until 11.. So tired! 

This is just a neat little thing on the opposite side of the road from campus.. 

The other side of the bridge
The buildings go on forever! 

Just a picture of the complete chaos that it is when trying to cross the street...
Not that this even compares to how it is at night...


These doors are everywhere!
They are the entrances to people's homes that are located above the shops..

Creepy auto shop....... 

Megan didn't cross the road with us...
Believe me, that can be a scary thing... Crossing the road that is..

You can see TWO 7-Elevens in this picture

I just really liked this set back building... And the scooters of course! 

Oh, what's this? A Manga library?

That has comfy chairs.. 

And goes on forever? 
Also, each shelf moves to reveal one behind it, there are a total of 4 shelves in each spot.. 

I liked these bindings! 

We all know these movies! :P

Me, at a neat bench.
The wall on the other side the street is the edge of campus (we are outside of campus, basically on the equivalent of Monroe on steroids, but only at night)

The bench, made out of doors, that I was standing in front of.. 

Miles of scooters in one direction

Miles of scooters in the other direction

Each block was loose, so they moved... This is the sidewalk, and that is a grate to the sewers... 
That is probably the biggest difference between here and home.. 
The sewer smell... Which is actually stinky tofu about a fourth of the time, but still! 

"Creepy" alley next to campus, and that is yet another grate to the sewer... 

The campus garden! 

The campus wall, see the glass?

Gorgeous flowers outside the hostel! 

So this is my view outside the hostel, a little bit gorgeous right?

Crazy palm trees! :)

This is where people take classes, one of the buildings anyway! 

WiFi phone booths! 

We actually got stuck in there... I don't know how to open it from inside........ 

A light up mural in the MRT station

Flash ruins everything... (there were lights)

MRT station! So big and nice, why in the WORLD do we not have this in the US?!

Just you know, in Chinese! :P 

Creepy subway station! (only because of flash is it creepy)

Don't get touchy-feely on the MRT!

7-Eleven, both directions (and behind the sign as well)

(This 7-Eleven is seen when you look up from the sign, not labeled on it though)
We spent about 3.5-4 hours up and down this street, and seriously only went maybe 6-10 blocks... 
There is just SO much to see! 

Not what I ate, but what the rest of the people I was with got, that's chicken.. 

I got fried rice, but it was delicious!
(Pretty sure it had chicken broth or something though, because I had a major stomach ache about an hour later... It went away fairly quickly though, thank god!)

A 5 story McDonalds!
It was NICE in there... Really nice! Like a swank cafe... wtf?!

It had to happen sometime........ 

Pink crazy make-up house, with Frances in the front! 

Need to take pictures of all of my food! :)

These following few pictures were taken at part of the Northern Taiwanese Coast.

It is a very polluted but still beautiful place. 

This is what you see if you look at the city that is opposite of the water at sunset... 

Danger, Deep Water, No biking in it! 

I sat next to a Taiwanese woman on my way to Tamsui (the city that was did the shopping) and she told me to go to the ocean at 5:00, so we did, it was really beautiful! 

It had been a hot and windy day!
Also, mom, you're present is in that bag! :)

Tamsui again

All of us being cheesy non-Asian, Asian tourists! 
The lady who took this picture for us, really didn't like it, so she took another... The other is not so good... 

There were little crabs by the water... He is about 1.5-2 inches long.. 

My dinner, it was delicious!
I showed the restauranteer my napkin of magic (one of my Chinese friends wrote "Shu Shi" on it in Chinese script, and that means vegetarian.) and she got all excited and made me a great meal! :)