Day 12!

Pet rocks! 

He wanted to be pet! 
(we didn't though....)

There were several churches in this town.. 

A kindergarten! 

And a Church! 

Their awesome playground! 

I really liked the chicken dragon slide! 

The kids were really excited to see us!
They don't get many visitors in this town/village, and they are even less likely to encounter an American visitor!
They are saying Nee-how, or hello!
(not how it is spelled, I know, but it is what it sounds like)

The little kids! 

The girl with the glasses was telling the others how to smile!
"Put you chin in your hand, and make kissy faces"
It was so cute! 

Kindergarten is basically like pre-school in Taiwan.  
It is optional, and children 6 and under can go..
It is free day care for working parents! 

This kid was really cute!
He was just eating his ramen and smiling!  

It's Alexis! :P
The squirrel is cheering her on!
Their wash station 

The church

The view out of the window where we had lunch! 

The special vegetarian lunch!
The black stuff was a vegetable called "something ear" and while the texture was terrible (really sqooshy) the taste was pretty darn good! 
The drink in the corner was pear/plum vinegar.  Drinking fruity sugary vinegar is pretty common here.  I actually liked the mulberry vinegar.
The green thing with purple on top was tofu wrapped in a pickle.  It was actually a mildly pickled cucumber! 

Tofu on ferns! 

Our vegetarian dessert! 
Vegetarian usually means vegan here.
It was a jello-ed fruit cup, with a lemon sorbet, topped with mint leaves! 

Neat little froggy dude at the restaurant!

View of the mountains from Smangus

Their super awesome street lights! 

Each family had their own sign
which described what they did to support themselves

A little fort structure

The clouds came and settled in the afternoon


A bridge! 

The bridge! 

Bamboo forest! 

Bamboo forest without flash! 

Ferns growing on a tree! 


Frogs everywhere! :D
All of the dogs in the village were the same breed! 
This was a shy little puppy!

Small plates were vegetarian, big plates were not.
The cabbage was the best part! 
Fish with teeeeeeth!