Day 3

Egg custard! In an egg shell! YUUUUUM! 

So creamy and delicious! 

First sighting of Taipei 101! It's huuuuuge! 

Neat tile work on the way to Taipei 101 

A really awesome building!
We were in the really nice part of Taiwan here..
Like Gucci and Parada everywhere!
It was intense! 

A really big outdoor shopping mall, it has the Cinema
All movies in Taiwan come out in English with Chinese subtitles... There is something a bit wrong with this...

Spppiiiiiicy noodles! La (spicy in Taiwan, the sound goes down)
It was delicious!  

This was just an office building, but I guess they liked Dali, so it works.. 

A neato-burrito fountain! 

Such a CUTE little bus! 

Taipei 101 in its full glory! 

It was named Taipei 101, not only because there are 101 stories, but because 101 was supposed to represent computer language, and show how Taiwan was bringing technology into the their culture and embracing it! 

Sam, Ashley, and Kaitlyn posing in front of 101

So that image on the side of the building is a bunch of women/flight attendants... it is odd...
Also that is Taipei 101 in the reflection! 

Just a neat tree of lights!

I liked the cross walk buttons! 

It's a car

For a skyscraper, they really did a nice job in designing 101, I think it is really beautiful and unique! 


I mean, look at that.
Would you ever see anything like this in the states?
Straight rectangular towers... boooooring! 

A mural of 101, IN 101! 

BUT we didn't go to the top, because the outdoor observatory floor was closed due to weather, so we decided to go back another day.. 

THIS my friends, is how we should advertise for alcohol
It's classy and it draws people's attention..
I'll remember it!

We think that it says love...

This is at the end of the word that we think says love.. So it helps our case... 

So ya, Ash Ketchum...
He got a bit chubby in his later years...
But at least he still has proper metro etiquette! 

Chang Kai Shek memorial center

I loved the details done on this building! 

This was a neat walk-around area opposite the courtyard...
This picture does not do it justice... 

Everything here was just so beautiful! 

Again with the details! 

In side this building, if you look really close, is a Chang Kai Shek statue, Abe Lincoln style! 

Taipei 101 in the distance!

Zoomed in! 
That thing is HUGE!

Kaitlyn and Christy posing :)

There is just so much time and effort put into these buildings, and it is so worth it! 

Most of our group posing!
It was interesting, this was the first time that our group image is not only on our cameras, there was a small group of people taking pictures of us.. 
So different! 

The most famous night market in Taiwan! It was huuuge! 

This guy right here, with the big blue pinchers...

This, is a glowing foot sign!
I liked it very much!