Day 13!

6:00 Ready to hike!

 Hair up, now I am really ready! 

Pregnant cutie! 

One of the more, interesting, breakfasts that we have encountered...
The powder was pork... To be mixed in with the rice that was like plain oatmeal....

The view!

Little waterfalls!

(terrible stitching software though....)

Bamboo bench in a bamboo forest! 

These flowers were really cool.  
They only bloom for a day.
At the beginning of the day they are white, midday they are pink, and at night they are red.
The next day they are pinkish and curled in on themselves. 

This is how they grow mushrooms!  

The poke holes in logs, and then put the spores in the holes! 

Mushroom farm! 

I just loved the abruptness of this 

Talking about how the rice is grown... 

As the Red Cyprus Tree is sacred, there are patrolmen who drive down the paths to make sure that things are all good and that people are not defiling the sacred place!

Ramen, in the bathroom, just in case you get hungry! 

Seeds from the Red Cyprus Tree!

Our tour guide, the amazing Janet, pointing at a special fern.  
This fern is apparently only found in this forest near the Red Cyprus Tree!

The "Flying" Fern
They climb to the tops of trees to get light! 

The first cyprus tree that we encountered! 

The wreckage from the last big typhoon (1/3)



The smallest of the sacred trees

Fresh seeds from the Red Cyprus Tree!
They only drop every 3-5 years. 

They just kept getting bigger and bigger! 

A be-ferned tree! 
(Kinda like be-dazzling, but with ferns, not sequins)

Our group in front of the 3rd biggest Red Cyprus tree in Taiwan
(Left to right: Ashley, Angel, me, Zach, Sam, Megan, Christy, Pam, Kaitlyn, Julie, and Leslie)

A tree "tide" pool! 

It's a "holey" tree...
hee hee hee

Crazy chain saw bugs! 

So tiny in front of the tree! 

The most sacred Ya-Ya tree! 
(ya-ya supposedly means mother)

Doesn't it kinda have a body and face?

Posing again! 

The front of the tree! 

The name of the tree!

Super sketch bridge!

To the left of the bridge when crossing

Straight out of my window on the bus, while driving... 
That's about 4 inches of space.. 
Maybe 6

Bit more this time, but if I recall, a bit of a steeper cliff... 

Oh snap, it's bus passing time! 

Gotta back down the hill there Mr. U Tourbus!
The guy walking there was directing both buses... sorta... 

the passengers were yelling too... 

Oh ya! Front corner to front corner! 

We cleared!

2nd bus! 

A good 8 inches there!
(if that)

Oh, this?
This is the 50 foot drop right on the other side of the pink bus...

The same river that is in the panoramic (and all the other pictures with mountains and a river) from above

He was about 3 inches wide

Christy, Ashly, Sam, and Megan posing! 

You can just sorta see the bright blue of his wing peeking out there! 

Not sure why I took this pic exactly... 
Other than to show one of the bigger roads that we encountered this side of the "no bus" sign

Wobbliest bridge!

Super sketch ride... 

The guardian of the bridge!  

Following along! 

Birds promoting the sale of birdy pens! 

More beautiful birds!

He didn't want me to see his face... :(



MY dinner! 
Mango fruit, over ice, and with mango ice cream on top...
ohmg so sugary!

Kinda pretty! 
(no longer in Smangus btw)

I have NO idea what is on his finger... 

Our bus, and Mr. Fun

Freaking Megan out! 
Also that is Zach being scary! 

Ashley was telling Christy about the couple that was fighting outside the bus. 

End of the day!
We played games in the bus, and then got home and fell asleep!